A Scientific Symposium “Obesity: Causes, Risks, Treatment, and Prevention”

The Biotechnology Research Center at the University of Nahrain held a scientific symposium titled “Obesity: Causes, Risks, Treatment, and Prevention” on Sunday, November 12, 2023. The seminar took place in the conference hall of the center and was inaugurated by the Director-General, Prof. Dr. Mohammed Mahmoud Farhan.

The symposium aimed to raise awareness about the causes of obesity and promote a healthy lifestyle with high quality. It featured three sessions presented by specialists in the field of pharmacy. The symposium was chaired by Prof. Dr. Rabah Najah Jabbar, Assistant Professor Ghaida Hussein Abdul Rahim, and the session moderator, Assistant Lecturer Ali Al-Nasiri.

The first session, presented by Dr. Rajaa Mohammed Ali, focused on “Obesity and Health.” The second session, presented by Dr. Abdul Karim Abbas Ali, discussed “Stress and its Relationship to Obesity.” The third and final session, presented by Assoc. Prof. Star Abdullah Shlahi, covered “Medicinal Herbs Used in Weight Loss: Benefits and Risks.”

The symposium concluded with important recommendations, including adhering to a healthy lifestyle, engaging in regular exercise, avoiding fast food, refraining from purchasing weight loss medications from unknown sources, especially online platforms, staying away from stress and psychological pressure, adopting smaller meals throughout the day, monitoring weight regularly, and ensuring an adequate daily intake of water.

Certificates of appreciation were presented to the speakers by the Director-General of the center in recognition of their efforts in organizing and conducting the symposium.
